Saturday, June 28, 2008


Today, I was waiting in the BMTC Bus Stand at Domlur, awaiting my child's BMTC concession pass,(she , in queue). Right in the centre of Bangalore, here sits a prime property of BMTC. Scope for development is, unlimited!
One guy + one bus conductor sits on the waiting seats, then, without any warning spits long onto the same corridor, splashing all round!
Nobody is shocked! It is accepted that anyone can do the same.
See what the highly literate city has come to, it is high time, we just not complain of lack of facilities.
See what our ex-President wrote about our attitude, keep inside of our house clean, throw all waste, sputum out on the road!
BMTC management, please wake up, let us work together to improve all aspects of this wonderful Bangalore city which gives us all the goodness form her heart.

Let us take care of our hygiene, surroundings, lets prevent Chikngunya!

Regards to all

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